Mold Base
Load an entire mold base plate set in just minutes utilizing standard and user-defined catalog parts.
- Easily load a standard mold base from commercial catalogs.
- Work efficiently with non-standard mold bases using a dynamic mold base template that inculudes all components (plates, sliders, etc.).
- Instantly modify dimensions of components and replace parts in the mold base at any point in the mold design process.
Ejection System
Ejection system design in Cimatron is done with a dedicated set of tools that offer:
- Add hundreds of ejections from commercial or use defined catalogs in a single step - the system will automatically find the right spot, analyze the plates they go through, and take care of the trimming.
- Create pockets that are tight around the upper end of the ejector and loose along the body.
- Associate ejectors with their drilling procedures to streamline NC programming.
Cooling Systems
- Simplify the creation of complex cooling system and all required cooling elements (channels, plugs, connectors, baffles, nipples, etc.) with dedicated design tools.
- Detect any interference and receive alerts if cooling channels are positioned too close to other key components.
- Associate cooling channels with their drilling and gun drilling procedures to streamline NC procramming.
For more information, please visit the website at :